Anderer Sender / Austria
Various, ,
Radio Quergedacht
Italo, ,
KroneHit Italo
Dance, Electronic,
2000s, ,
Life Radio 2000er
Rock, ,
Radio Technikum Rock Cockpit
Folk, Pop,
Radio Dijaspora
60s, 70s, Oldies
Radio Arabella Melodie
Misc, ,
Herold Relax Radio
, ,
KroneHit Best of 2017
Disco, Electronic, House
Club F
Hits, Pop,
Antenne Fitness Hits
Pop, Rock, Electronic
Welle 1
80s, Hits,
Antenne 80er Pop
Hits, ,
Vienna Partymix
Latin, Pop,
Antenne Latin Pop
Hits, Pop, Various
Radio Srce Posavine
Hits, Pop, Rock
Kronehit Radio
Hits, Top 40,
Antenne Vorarlberg Hits
Local Music, ,
Radio Osttirol
Electronic, Hits,
Kronehit Balkan Beats
70s, Classic Hits,
Arabella 70er
Classic, Culture, News
ORF - Ö1 International
Classic Rock, Hits,
Life Radio Classic Rock Hits
Entertainment, Hits,
FunBoxX Radio
Rock, ,
Rock To Hell
80s, ,
Antenne Vorarlberg 80er
Rock, ,
88.6 Rot-Weiss-Rock
Various, ,
Radio Dauerbrenner
Local Music, ,
Radio Austria – Best of Hüttengaudi
Community, National, Schlager
ORF Radio Wien
Community, Oldies, Talk
Unzmarkt Frauenburg Live
Rock, ,
Antenne Vorarlberg Rock Radio
Pop, Hits, Music
NRJ - ENERGY Salzburg
Hits, ,
Welle 1 Steyr
Misc, ,
Kronehit Hangover
Hits, Local Music,
Folk, Oldies, Talk
U1 Radio
Hits, ,
Lavica Radio
, ,
ERF Plus Osterreich
Pop, Reggae,
Dj Giorgio
Top 40, Hits, Music
NRJ - ENERGY Österreich
Electronic, Punk,
Radio Freie Welle
Hip Hop, ,
KroneHit German Hip Hop
Local Music, ,
Kitt Radio
News, Pop, Rock
Welle1 Tirol
Jazz, Pop, Rock
Antenne FM
, ,
KroneHit Boygroups
Music, ,
Radio WIM Vienna
Chillout, Lounge,
Lounge FM 100% Austria
Dance, ,
Dance, Music, Hip Hop
Antenne Vorarlberg Radio
, ,
Radio Slatka Tajna
Ethnic, Folk, Pop
Radio Sladi
, ,
KroneHit Total Versext
Folk, ,
Radio Arabella Wiener Schmah
Hits, Local Music,
Schlager, ,
Antenne Vorarlberg Schlagerkult
Local Music, Variety,
Radio Arabella Ti Amo
Top 40, ,
Life Radio Top 40
Folk, ,
Radio Upoznavanje